Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Next Step Process and Update for 2019

This workshop is intended to help clowns with educational and platform ministry presentations, to gain control and understanding of their physical communication, to improve their connections with their audience, to deepen their understanding of character and the art of clown, and to help them present strong messages combined with comedy clown concepts.  This is a physical mime-based workshop that will help clowns better share truths through effective movement, timing and clear communication.  We will focus on these topics:  mime technique, advanced character development, physical comedy techniques, portraying emotional content, writing comedy routines with messages, directing focus, stage blocking, and more.  Attendees will be encouraged to share a presentation piece each day for a coaching critique from the instructors. Other attendees listen to the critiques to learn along with the presenter. Various pieces will be practiced and then will be presented at the Sunday a.m. kid’s services at the church. 

Instructors for the 2019 Next Step Workshop include:

Rev. Ben Christensen -  Ben is the current Clown Ministry Director for the World Clown Association. He has a rich performance history including the International Circus Hall of Fame Circus, Princess Cruise Lines, "Fake Off" television appearances with PUSH Physical Theater and more.  Ben is one of four clowns from the World Clown Association who has ever accomplished the title "Master Clown."  See more info at

Christine Christensen -  Christine is a national-caliber mime performer. She spent four years with PUSH Physical Theater as one of their feature performers and instructors.

Rev. Randy Christensen is the “Next Step Workshop” founder and your host.  Randy began clowning in the Fall of 1980 while training for ministry at North Central University.  Since that time Randy has taught and performed across the United States and in nine foreign countries.  He was the featured performer at the 1999 Induction Ceremony for the International Clown Hall of Fame. Randy is also is one of four clowns from the World Clown Association who has ever accomplished the title "Master Clown."  For more info. on Randy check out 

Past staff members include:

Mr. Darren Stevenson - from New York.  He is the director of PUSH Physical Theatre, a professional theater troupe that is bridging the gap between the world of performance arts, educational institutions and the Church.  His mime training began in his homeland of England as a youth.  With a desire to learn more, Darren came to the U.S. to train with Todd & Marilyn Farley at The Centre.  Darren has also trained at the Goldston-Johnson School of Mime, among other top line institutions.  They’ve written, directed, choreographed and served as consultants for colleges, international festivals, schools, churches and organizations.

Janet Tucker – from Hammond, Indiana.  Janet has been a consistent voice in the world of clown education in the United States. She has taught at basically every major clown conference and training event at some point over the last thirty years.  Janet has served in numerous positions of leadership for the World Clown Association, the International Fellowship of Christian Magicians, and the Midwest Clown Association. She presents over 250 programs a year as “Jellybean.”

Revd. Roly Bain – from Bristol, England. Known for his incredible circus skills combined with spiritual insights, Roly Bain brings unique, memorable performances to audiences across the United States and Great Britain.  Roly brings unique perspectives as an Anglican priest and also a graduate of a two year circus school.  He is a former recipient of the “Clowns International ‘Clown of the Year’ Award.”

Greg Phillips – from Melbourne, Florida.  Greg Phillips is a noted performer, speaker, educator and pastor specializing in comedy magic and education programs.  Greg has been the opening act for such notables as Gallagher, Tonya Tucker, Jerry Seinfeld and Robin Williams. Greg is comfortable performing in any setting, whether it be pure entertainment, a preschool daycare, a church service, or a prison in Guatamala. Greg holds a degree in Theater and is the Seacoast Magic Club president.

Bruce Johnson – from Washington.  “Charlie the Juggling Clown” is a comedic, magical clown known for his engaging, caring, well-planned presentations.  Bruce is one of the top clown historians in the United States and is a prolific writer and lecturer.

Sid Teske – from St.Paul, Minnesota.  Sid Teske has clowned for over thirty years originally training with the “Sawdust Circle.”  Over the past decade, Sid has participated in, and led, multiple clown outreaches and training sessions in the former Soviet block countries.  He has literally spent four months at a time traveling as a clown representative communicating positive messages of hope and grace over the last number of years.

Angel Contreras – Angel Contreras brings artistry to the art of clowning in many ways.  As a prolific creator in graphic arts, painting, drawing and caricatures, Angel shares comic movement concepts for those in the performance arts.  For more information go to

Jeff McMullen – from Appleton, Wisconsin.  Jeff is a former Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey circus clown.  He also was one of the main directors/instructors of the RB&BB  Clown training in Japan.  He is a motivational speaker, children’s entertainer, and karate instructor.

Brenda Marshall – from Fort Worth, Texas.  Audience’s fall in love with Brenda’s clown characters.  Brenda’s clown journeys have taken her through being the first woman to serve as President of the Clowns of America, International, an instructor for the UW-LaCrosse Clown Camp, and in compassion ministries on the streets of India.  Brenda is a committed student of the art of clown, learning whenever and wherever she can, stretching beyond the walls of the box that some clowns may live in.

Angel Ocasio – From Portland, Oregon.   Angel is known as the creative genius behind the Comedifest Conference and numerous performances in the Northwest.  As a former RB&BB Clown College graduate he brings high quality physical performance along with a simple childlike character that audiences love.  Angel is known as one of the top clown teachers and performers in the USA.

Colleen Fouts -- From Greenwood, Indiana.  Colleen has led, taught and organized high quality local and regional clown ministry trainings and performances for more than 20 years. She's served on the directing board of the TNT University Camp and "Show Me Clowns For Jesus." She is guiding creative kids ministries at her local church and also teaches regularly for the training programs offered by Creative Ministry Solutions.

Ben & Christine Christensen - Both Ben and Christine have spent lifetimes pursuing creative arts ministry. Ben is an award-winning clown and juggler and Christine has mimed her way across the USA. Together, this dynamic duo brings laughs and wins hearts as they minister in their local church, at conferences and entertainment events. 

Rooms are reserved at a local hotel by the “Next Step Workshop.” Hotel expense is not included in the registration fee. If you want one of these rooms you will need to personally contact the hotel. Randy will not do this for you. Hotel information available soon.

Make-up & Costume
We encourage you to bring your make-up and costume to wear as part of our Sunday morning presentations in the kid’s services at the local church.

Since “The Next Step” is intended to be an advanced training workshop, we assume that the attendees basic skills of make-up and costuming are already developed so we will not be offering any workshops on these areas.  We want you to have your clown shoes, nose, hat and wardrobe, jacket or vest with you for some of our practice sessions, but applying your actual make-up will only be needed for the worship services on Sunday.

Staff are willing to give feedback and advice in this area on a one-to-one basis.

Time Schedule
We will plan to start on time in the morning, after lunch and in the evening.  We will plan to not end on time for any session.  Our desire is to help you work through various concepts and exercises that will really be beneficial.  We’re not going to try to run on a rigid timeline.  This is not a conference where numerous classes are beginning and ending at the same time.  This is a time where we can spend some personal time together and really dig into some areas of clowning and ministry that we often don’t have time to focus on.  These are advanced concepts from learned instructors. Here’s a preliminary sample schedule:

Wednesday:    3:00    Opening Session –      Networking,
“Discussion of the Creative Process” &
“Learning to Be A Learner”
                        5:00    Supper @ Connection Church
                        5:30-6:15    Pre-service session – “Preparing An Audience For Response”
                        6:45     Family Show presented by instructors
                        8:00     After-show ...interaction with attendees and balloon sculptures
                        8:30-9:00    Afterglow with snacks – Review & feedback on the Family Show

Thursday:        8:30     Prayer
                        9:00    Spiritual Warm-Ups
-         Insights into character, spiritual health, and compassionate clowning
                        9:30     Physical Warm-Ups  -  Stretches, Yoga & Mime-based exercises
                        10:15    Mime Technique & Movement
                        11:00    Portraying Emotional Content by movement, timing & posture
                        12:00   LUNCH
   1:30     Physical-based characterization based on Commedia Del Arte
   3:00    Physical Comedy:  Hits, Slaps, Falls, trips & more!
   5:00    Supper …hang out!
   7:00-9:00       Student Demonstrations with coaching

Friday              8:30     Prayer
                        9:00    Spiritual Warm-Ups 2
                        9:30     Physical Warm-Ups 2
                        10:30   Clown Reasoning:  Problem and Solution / Simple and Hard
                        12:00   LUNCH
   1:30      Writing Clown Comedy – Verbal and Non-verbal Concepts
   2:30     Options In Gaining and Throwing Focus
   3:30     Writing Message-Themed Routines

   5:00    Supper …hang out!
   7:00-9:00       Student Demonstrations with coaching

Saturday          8:30     Prayer
                        9:00    Spiritual Warm-Ups 3
                        9:30     Physical Warm-Ups 3
  10:00   Building Routines from Concept To Completion
                        11:00    Plateaus and Portraits (Group movement concepts)
   12:00   Lunch
   1:30    The power of unified movement
   2:30    Student Demonstration with coaching
   4:00    Stage blocking & focus (learning and applied to Sunday’s services)
                         5:00    Supper on your own
                         6:30-8:00    Run-through of program for Sunday

Sunday           8:00     Arrive on site in full-make-up.
 8:15      Meet & Greet audience interactions
 8:30     Sunday morning presentation begins
 10:15     Meet & Greet audience interactions
 10:30   Second morning presentation begins  (Conclude at 12:15)
 12:30   Lunch on site. Review and “decompress”.
 1:15   ....farewell until next time!
We will plan to car pool and caravan from the hotel to the church, etc.  We will also provide transportation to and from the airport for those who need it.

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