Monday, January 21, 2019
The Importance of Imitation
At the Next Step Workshop, we do "hands on" training where each student is actively involved in the learning process. At the upcoming Next Step Workshop (2019) we are going to do a significant amount of work on mime and physical communication techniques. Come work with national-calibre instructors and learn the techniques that will improve your presentations!
I've added a new article to my blog at It talks about the importance of imitation. I know that many people want to be one-of-a-kind individuals, but to grow as a performer, imitation is an essential step to improvement! Click here to read the article at my other blog:…/development-by-imitation…
I've added a new article to my blog at It talks about the importance of imitation. I know that many people want to be one-of-a-kind individuals, but to grow as a performer, imitation is an essential step to improvement! Click here to read the article at my other blog:…/development-by-imitation…