Monday, April 20, 2015


New York - Mini-Step

On April 8,9 & 10, eight clowns spent time together learning, growing, and experiencing this wonderful art of clown. Thank you to those who came to the retreat center in Oneonta, NY. We spent time eating, fellowshiping, playing, laughing, crying, discovering and discussing our hearts and this art. We spent time on:

"What Makes Clowning An Art?"
The thought process of the clown,
How clowns interact with their audience,
The importance of breath and how to use it in communication,
Physical communication including mime and cartoon concepts,
How to improve your improvisational abilities,
A deeper understanding of character types,
Writing routines with objects,
Writing story-parallel routines,
The business side of clowning and bookings,
...and some of our attendees shared their routines for critique and input.

Another "Next Step" opportunity will be coming in November 2015. Please email Randy at for more information.

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