Friday, December 22, 2006


A Sample Schedule

I love the Next Step format because of the flexibility we have as we learn together. Please understand, we will plan to start on time for each session. But, we will plan to not end on time for all the sessions. Our desire is to help our participants to work through various concepts and exercises that will really be beneficial. We’re not going to try to run on a mandatory timeline. This is not a conference where numerous classes are beginning and ending at the same time. This is not a conference schedule that has to run to the minute. This is a learning opportunity where we can spend some personal time together and really dig into some areas of clowning and ministry that we often don’t have time to focus on. Here’s a preliminary sample schedule:

Wednesday: 4:00 Opening Session @ the Assembly of God in Willmar
5:00 Supper provided on site
5:45-6:15 Pre-service session
6:30 Children’s Service presented by Randy, Brenda and Jeff
8:30-9:15 Afterglow with snacks

Thursday: 8:30 Prayer
9:00 Spiritual Warm-Ups with Brenda
9:30 Physical Warm-Ups with Jeff
10:15 Sharing Value with Randy
11:00 Audience Participation Routines You Can Do with Brenda
12:00 LUNCH
1:30 Juggling, Balance and Hats (Jeff)
2:30 Writing Skits with objects (Randy)
3:45 Program Development with Brenda and Randy
5:00 Supper …hang out!
7:00 Student Demonstrations

Friday 8:30 Prayer
9:00 Spiritual Warm-Ups with Jeff
9:30 Physical Warm-Ups with Jeff
10:00 Randy:Theme and Focus/ Problem and Solution / Simple and Hard
10:45 Routines: From Concept to Performance (Jeff)
12:00 LUNCH
1:30 Insights with Brenda
2:30 TBD
3:30 Pacing, Timing and Focus (Randy)
4:30 The Power of Unified Movement (Randy)
5:00 Supper …hang out!
7:00 Student Demonstrations

Saturday 8:30 Prayer
9:00 Spiritual Warm-Ups with Randy
9:30 Physical Warm-Ups with Jeff
10:00 TBD
11:00 Refining Your Character with Jeff
12:00 Lunch
1:30 Building Rapport With Your Audience (Jeff)
2:30 Student Demonstration
4:00 Blocking & focus for Sunday’s services
5:00 Supper on your own
6:30-8:00 Run-through of program for Sunday

Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 Sunday morning children's services
12:30 Lunch on site with short de-breif
1:30 On the way down the road

As a Next Step staff, we do ask that all attendees commit to be at the Next Step experience through our Sunday morning services and not leave early. It helps in our Sunday morning ministry if each one is a part of the "team".

For more information contact Randy at 320-235-2529 or email

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