Monday, November 08, 2010


Houston, We Have A Workshop!

I'm excited to announce an upcoming Next Step workshop!

Wednesday, February 16 through Sunday morning, February 20th in Houston, Texas.

We will be spending our time focusing primarily on Magic, Movement and Ministry. How do we improve each of these areas? Many specifics will be shared and guided. This is a "hands on" workshop where you will experience each of the areas shared.

The workshop ends with the Sunday morning family worship celebration at our host church. YOU -- yes, you -- the participants will be presenting the morning worship service, including the numerous things we worked on during our time together. It's awesome to be ministering along with other clowns.

Please understand that "the Next Step" is intended to be just that...a gathering of folks that have already taken the first few steps in their clowning. We will not be having sessions on make-up, costume, basic character, etc. Those foundations should already be somewhat established in your clowning prior to applying to attend the "Nest Step" workshop.

I have prepared a registration form plus other information for those who desire to attend. Email me at and I'll send it out to you.

The registration cost is $350 per person. A $50 credit is given to returning Next Step alumni. You may reserve your place by sending $75. Cancellations less than two weeks in advance and you lose your $75.

Recommendations for hotel accommodation will be shared with you upon request.

Let's do it! This is going to be great!

P.S. You may want to take time to scan through a number of the previous postings to understand more about the Next Step format and process. God bless you!

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